USAID Highlights Weldy Lamont Associates Purpose in Ghana

Weldy-Lamont, an engineering firm in Illinois, sources parts from U.S. factories to help Ghana electrify rural villages. Here's the story of one engineer helping to create economic prosperity in both countries — in partnership with the U.S. Government’s Power Africa initiative.

Through the U.S. Export-Import Bank, Power Africa supports Weldy-Lamont in expanding Ghana’s electric grid. Ghana’s grid electrification generated $57 million in exports for over 20 U.S. companies. Led by USAID, Power Africa is proud to promote economic opportunities in both Ghana and the U.S.

- USAID YouTube

Ali Bassir

Designer & Brand Strategist

USAID: Senegal Success Story: Supporting Energy Access Through American Technology


Ghana: Small Illinois Company Wins $350 Million Contract to Expand Electricity Transmission Backed By Ex-Im Bank Financing